Anne Caldwell
Anne Caldwell is a writer, poet, educator and editor based in West Yorkshire. She has been described as one of ‘51 world class prose poets’ when her work appeared in the international anthology, Dreaming Awake, Prose Poetry from Australia, the USA and United Kingdom (Madhat Press, 2022). Since her last book of prose poems was published by Valley Press, (Alice and the North), she has gained a national and international reputation for this genre. Her poems have been widely featured in a variety of journals including Spelt, Poetry Wales, Ink Sweat and Tears, And Other Poems, The Rialto and Axon. Anne works for the Open University and the Royal Literary Fund.
Prose Poetry in Theory and Practice >
”This superb collection of prose-poems seems almost designed to demonstrate the versatility, strength and power of the form. Here is a poet absolutely at one with her form, confidently adapting it to her needs and subtly moulding what she wants to say to the shape of the poem.”
- Review of Alice and the North, (Maggie Butt, London Grip Magazine, 2020)
Her work has been shortlisted in the Rialto pamphlet competition and Tongues and Grooves prose poetry competition. She won the Weaverswords Literature Festival flash fiction competition in 2023 and was nominated for a best single poem category in the Forward Prize in 2023. She was a winner of a James Tait Prize in 2023, SurVison Press, Ireland.
Writing Awards
Partnerships and Education Work
Mentoring, Coaching and Cultural Partnerships
Anne has a PhD in Creative Writing and is a lecturer for the Open University. She is an accredited coach and runs one to one sessions with writers. She has worked with a range of partners including Arvon, The British Council, NAWE, Engage, The Bronte Parsonage, Libraries, art galleries and museums. She has a background in community arts, literature development and working for universities, including MMU, The University of Huddersfield (as an RLF fellow) and the University of Bolton.